Best of Bjørnar B.

My name is Bjørnar B. I love to draw and my biggest dream is to draw for Disney. (specially Donald Duck).


My interest for drawing started in the late 90's I'm now going in drawing scool and my Teacher gives me exellent grades! I was once in america I saw a lot of big mamas and a few big papas. I low to run and draw.


Early last year I went on a good 36 place in a drawing competion for swedish aged 12-17 my mum was real proud.

Help D. Duck in his quest to get Dasy to marry him. D Duck must get rid of Uncle Jubalon who is eating him out of his house, also ooie lui and devie escapes and D. Duck must save them.




DDuck2Setup1.00.exe (70.7 MB) (Windows installer - recommended) *
DDuck2Files1.00.rar (74.4 MB) *
(* left-click)

Youtube game trailer #1
Youtube game trailer #2

This adventure game is made in Adventure Game Studio.

Life of D. Duck II in the media

Indie Games Freeware Game Pick
Giant Bomb
Blog 'Em Up (Swedish!)

Lets play Life of D. Duck II

A very big fan has put up video of life of d duck II being played, you should see immidately. it has robot voices put on top of it.

Visit the "Lets Play Life of D. Duck II" playlist on Youtube!